fredag 29 juni 2012


Well, its only 6.28, and i have already been up for at least 45 minutes... Bianca woke up before 6 today again... Seems between 5-6 is her new time of the day to wake up. In the beginning when she was sleeping in her own room she slept to 8.30.... What happend to that? :P
And yet she is not sleeping so much during the days now, maybe one or two times. But i guess we could try to have her sleep in the day and nothing in the afternoon/evening. Maybe then she will sleep longer... I dont know... Hopefully we will get some morning to sleep!
What happens today then? Well the sun is shining so i probably will take a walk in a while. Me and Bianca took a morningwalk yesterday aswell.
And we were at the doctor yesterday, Bianca is now 7830 grams and 65,5 cm! I almost thought she would be over 8 kg, but not yet ;)
Maybe all the moving around on the floor, or the hop swing helps a bit. She is really active now!
And i belive that after this summer she will be able to sit up :)
The doctor said yesterday that she is still growing good and that she is a bit early with some stuff.
Our big girl! Lovelovelovelovelovelove......
Jeroen is still sleeping. I dont know if i should wake him up later for the walk or not... He usually wants to come, but at least its good that one of us can sleep. I usually go to bed between 21-22... I get so tired in the evening... But to be up with Bianca most days between 5-6 makes me tired...
But in just one week we are in Holland again! I so cant wait!
I miss Holland, the biking, the people of course, the shopping, the houses, the nature...
I´m so excited! And i think Bianca will like it aswell!
And i think Jeroen misses his family and think it will be nice to come back to Holland, even though he wont admit it.
Oh well... Going to play some with Bianca now. Laters!

lördag 23 juni 2012


Is not something we really celebrate.... Or ok, my family doesn´t.
Me, Jeroen and Bianca had invited my mum and Per-Åke for lunch and dinner here yesterday. Was a really nice event. They came here around 12. Me and Jeroen had prepaired all the meat, and we made our own potatosallad! SO GOOD! I said that if we ever going to eat potatosallad again we are going to do it ourselves! Darn it was good!
Anyway... They came around 12 and we had some wok for lunc, after that we tried the new hop swing my mum bought for Bianca. She really liked it! So now we have her entertainment ready whenever we have to be in the kitchen :)
No fun to just let her lay in the babygym or sit in the walking chair all the time.
I really like the swing!
After lunch we went to the playing ground just outside, all Grycksbos people were gathered to look when they raise the big pole. Bit boring i think, but its tradition... Bianca liked it, she looked at all the people! And she was wearing a new dress, the one with Barbapapa on it. It says on the dress that its from 9-12 months but i think it fitted pretty good.... Big baby? Hehe....
Oh well, after an hour Bianca was tired so we went home again and she fell asleep right away.
We waited until around 16 and then we started up the grill.... i so love the grill we have for indoor-use... I´m so glad we bought it.
We ate until we could roll out of the kitchen... And still we had 3/4 of meat left... Okey maybe we prepaired a bit much, but i rather do to much then let people be hungry...
The good thing is that we could invite Anders and Malin for some food today.
Was a long time ago since i saw Malin, not since Bianca was baptised.
On the evening when mum and Per-Åke had gone home, we were still so full that we didnt have energy to do much. We took it easy, watched some TV and went to bed around 22.
That was our midsummer, and today it will continue a little bit when Malin and Anders are coming.
Here is some pictures from yesterday :)

torsdag 21 juni 2012

Not a good day

Today was not a good day. I have been annoyed most of the day, started this morning.
Some days i just wake up and am annoyed... It sucks... And i am mad at everyone and everything.
The sucky thing is that i dont know why.
We started the day by taking a walk early in the morning, was pretty nice with the sun and the birds singing. I think Bianca liked it aswell.
We didnt do much today really.
My mood didnt get any better when i was going to give Bianca lunch. She was more whining then eating. And since i was in a bad mood i gave up. She had been eating most of the fruit though.
After that i went to lay down on the bed for a bit. Didnt really feel like doing anything.
And Jeroen was talking to his sister on MSN so didnt want to sit there either with my mood.
After that we had lunch aswell and Christine came over for a bit.
Peters fridge broke the other day so they are storing their food here for now.
The cruise although was pretty nice. We had lots of fun.
Bianca behaved really good aswell, i think she had fun aswell. She slept good and everything!
She had a bit troubles with her belly though since we only gave her powder milk, and she is used to have fruit and food now. But she is ok again now!
Oh well i wont write so much about it, mostly because i dont have the energy now. Pictures are on facebook anyway.
I think i will go to sleep soon, starting to get tired again.
Was having a nap for like 20 mins on the couch before... We will see...
I will give you a picture of the cutest baby in the world!

måndag 18 juni 2012


Today my whole family (okey, all siblings with families) going on a 48 hour cruise!
We are going to Helsinki and back!
This will be Biancas first trip outside Falun/Leksand!
I hope she will be a happy baby on the boat! We have been packing all morning, thinking what we will need and packing some more...
Damn, its really lots of stuff you need to bring for a baby! We have 2 bags and the babybag, and the wagon...
Oh well, time to go! We are going with my brother!


Vilka var dina
favoritkläder? Mina svarta mammabyxor
Vad var din/dina favoriträtter? Hm, i början var det couscous, men hade inte direkt
nån favorit annars…
Vad var din/dina favoritdryck? Multivitamin juice
Vad tyckte du inte om? Lukten av sopor
Var det någon favoriträtt som ändrades? Nope
Vad var du mest sugen på? Jag hade inga riktiga cravings tyvärr
Hade du halsbränna? Nej
Hade du foglossning? Nej
Hade du sammandragningar? Nej
Mådde du illa? Nej
Vilken sovställning var bäst? Höger sida
När var din BF-dag? 23 januari
Gick du över tiden? Ja, 10 dagar
Hur mycket gick du upp i vikt?
13 kg
Hade du mycket vätska i kroppen? Ja, i fötterna och händerna, 2 sista veckorna ökade
jag med 4 kg
Hur var ditt psyke? Bra.
Gnällde/klagade du? Det gjorde jag säkert…
Vad trodde du det var för kön? Pojke i början men efter UL, tjej
Visste du vad det var för kön? Till 90%
Hur låg ditt SF-mått? På kurvan tror jag
Var du rädd för något? Ja, att jag skulle spricka, men fick aldrig ”vanlig”
Hur ville du att din förlossning skulle se ut? Normal.......
Hur ser du på graviditeten idag? Absolut nått jag kommer göra igen!
När började din
förlossning? Fick värkar natten till
torsdagen 2 februari
Hur började den? Vattnet Fick värkar
När åkte du/ni in till
förlossningen? Runt kl 15 på torsdag
Varför? Hade 3-4 minuter mellan värkarna
Vem/vilka åkte du in med? Jeroen, men min syster
skjutsade in oss
Fick du/ni åka hem igen? Nej
Vilket sjukhus skedde förlossningen på? Falu sjukhus
Hur mycket var du öppen när ni kom in? 1 cm
Vad hände under tiden du/ni låg inne på förlossningen?
Fick CTG, och springa
mellan förlossningen och oförlösta på BB. Till slut fick jag sådana värkar att
vi fick ligga på förlossningen. Jag fick lustgas efter ett tag. Sedan började
det på riktigt.
Vilken/vilka var med under förlossningen? Jeroen
Tog du nåt smärtstillande? Ja, lustgas och EDA
Grät du? När jag hörde henne
skrika började jag gråta ja, och hade svårt att sluta…
Vad tyckte du var
jobbigast? Värkarna i slutet, ingen paus
Var du rädd för något? Inte när jag fick veta
att jag skulle få snitt
Hur lång tid tog det? Allt som allt, 42 timmar
Hur ser du på förlossningen idag? Absolut något jag skulle
göra om, jag tyckte kejsarsnitt var väldigt bekvämt!
Vad blev det för kön? Flicka
Hur mycket vägde barnet? 3950 gram.
Hur lång var barnet? 52 cm.
Hur mådde barnet? Hon mådde bara bra

onsdag 13 juni 2012

Final test

And i just got mail from the teacher....
My final exam is done! I made it! Darn i am good!

måndag 11 juni 2012

Time flies

What has happend to Bianca the past months?
Well i can say alot! And i am so proud of her! She is such a happy baby and the most wonderful girl in the whole world and i love her to the end of all worlds and back again!
Mummys and daddys big girl! We love you so much!

She can;
Hold her head by herself
Almost sit by herself
Sleeping through the nights
Eating 4 times/day
Laughing at her own reflection
Hold things in her hand
Roll from back to belly and from belly to back
She likes;
Her family, specially daddy and cousin Emilia ;)
Swimmin in the tub
Sitting up
Standing up on our knees
Food, she eats fruit and potatoes/carrots/beans (depends what we have home)
Toys that makes sounds
Watch TV
She doesnt like;
To lay on the floor alone to long
When you have to get stuff out of her nose
To lay down to long

fredag 8 juni 2012


We went to Borlänge today to fix a pass for Bianca and myself. With eye infection, half/half flu and a big pimple on my forehead i felt pretty depressed about the pass-photo, but what the hell. How often do you use it? When we came to the police station the whole system was down in all of Sweden so they had to do the pass-thingys one by one. So we sat over an hour for waiting...
Luckly Bianca slept when we came and she slept a while when we were waiting. But she didnt say anything when she woke up either, she was a very good girl!
After the pass was fixed we had lunch at a china restaurant. The food is better in Falun though, we both agreed. We fed Bianca and went to the bus.
We went back to Falun again, and went to Clas Ohlson to buy 2 bags for the Holland-trip.
2 bags that fits in the cabin. We are flying with Ryanair and it costs shit loads if we want to take a bag. So we will fit 10 kg each in our bags and go with it!
Jeroen can use his dads clothes and stuff and we will have to wash alot ;)
Tonight me and Jeroen are going to watch a movie, one way or another and just cuddle with some chips. It feels so great to finally have summer vaccation!
Although it doesnt feel like that yet. Not until i find out if i passed the final exam or not.
But i have kind of a bad feeling about that one... Feels like i didnt really get everything in it... But i dont know, i really dont know... We just have to wait and see! But for the rest, everything for school should be done for this term!
Now i am going to get a glass of lemonade and just enjoy!

onsdag 6 juni 2012


This weekend we hadd Jeroens parents and Jeroens sister and Noah here. THey were here for the baptism. Which was a nice event, elthough the weather could have been better. But it was a nice day, Bianca behaved good in the church even though she was tired!
Bianca had really nice presents! And all 3 of us wants to thank friends and family that wanted to share our day!
On sunday night they left again. So it was a very short visit. To bad.
But the good thing is that the 5 july we are going to Holland! So we will get some vaccation this summer after all!
This week i mostly have been writing on my final exam, which is almost done. I am planning to make it done today, although not now... Its 4.30 and i am planning to go back to sleep, or something... Bianca woke up and did not want to go back to sleep, until i decided to go up of course. And my eyes are itching, i got my mums eye infection now... Great... Seems we cant stay healthy here for long! Bianca has a runny nose aswell now. Maybe its not to good to sleep with the windows open. Or of course its my fault for not putting her cap on when we went from church to Grycksbo.
For the rest, it feels like today is not going to be a good day, i dont know why but it kind of didnt start up that good.
We were planning to go to Borlänge today to fix a pass for Bianca, but since today is the national day here, everything is closed... So we will have to go tomorrow instead.
Today my mum is coming by, and borrow Bianca for a bit. It was the plan, so that i could write my exam, i have a hard time studying when she is home. But since i am almost done it feels so mean to just send her away. We will see...
I dont know how i should do, if i should go back to sleep again or not...
I am tired but somehow i dont want to sleep...
I will give you a picture with Bianca and her new favorite toy! She really likes it!