torsdag 20 december 2012

My year - 2012

When i´m looking back at 2012 im thinking about that so much has happend!
Lots of good thing and bad things...
In february Bianca was born, one of the happiest moments in my life! It feels like it was yesterday i was pregnant, not almost a year ago... Time is walking by so fast, and sometimes it feels like i cant keep up! Bianca is almost a year now! A whole year has passed since the day i was at the hospital...
Every day, week and month with her has been full with adventures, laughing, crying and love!
She has learnd so much during this time, and you really see lots of me and Jeroen in her, but she also has her own wonderful personality. The time i had with her this year i wouldnt trade for anything, its the greatest gifts of all to be her mummy!

Another big thing that happend was in april when we moved to our new apartment in Vippan. We really really like it here, even though Gruvstaden isnt that good... But we really love the neighbourhood, kind of feels like being "home" again. And i hope we can live here forever! Maybe move to a bigger apartment, but i dont want to leave Vippan if i really dont have to.

We made a few travels aswell this year... In june we went with my family on a cruise! We had a really good time! And i think even Bianca liked it!
Later in the summer Bianca went on her first loooooooong trip! We went to see the family in Holland! We had so much fun there even though i think Bianca was tired from the trip! But when we were there we were biking, fishing, went to zoo, dolphinarium, walking, swimming....
I really love Holland and i really miss the people and the place...

In the very end of the summer our family got a new member named Zelda! We had wanted a dog for a long time and we thought that now when i had distant-school we thought that it was a good time to get one, when we both were home. So we looked over the internet and we found the black adorable puppies! She is now alsmost 6 months old and she is full of energy!

In november we celebrated my dads birthday, Jeroens birthday and we celebrated Anders and Malins daughter Nova who came into the world!

Now in december, the last month of the year and also my favorite, we have been preparing lots for christmas... Buying presents, baking, cooking and all!
Bianca has been lucia and a little mini-santa! Our big girl!
Its christmaseve on monday and we are going to celebrate it with my sister and her family, Peter and Christine and my aunt and cousin. Anders and Malin will be with her family!

Well, lots has happend during my 2012!
I am so happy with my life!

onsdag 5 december 2012


Some people are just so false...
They say one thing to you but in reality they suddenly mean something different.
I feel so sorry for them. They try to treat you well but you soon see through the false picture.
I wonder how people like that can live with themselves, dont they see it themselves? Or are they just so busy by acting that they dont want to care?

Oh well, at least i am happy with my life and what i have. A lovely family and friends!
Friends comes and goes, but i have some friends i know i will have my whole life!
And i have the best man ever by my side through life!
And my wonderful daughter that i will love for all eternity!
Speaking about her, her flu is not getting better and i even think she has a fever now, she was very warm in the afternoon... :(

No phones today either :( It said on the internet that they we are the mail office 2 days ago but still they are not here :( I dont know if the mailman lost his way in all the snow or if it just takes time.. We want our phones!!! :)
Its like waiting for Santa on Christmas eve...!!
We are also waiting for Anders, Malin and Nova, who said they were coming over this afternoon, so we will see if they show up!

söndag 2 december 2012

1 advent

I dont know what "advent" is in english...
But we are "celebrating" this day with a big cleaning of our home. Vaccum cleaning, mopping the floor, cleaning the bathroom and the windows, putting some christmas stuff up...
And its cold today! -16!
It feels so good to have a clean home! Its not often we do this big cleaning! We should more often though ;)
It feels kind of unreal that its already december! Its my favorite month of the year! All the preparations for christmas, and the real winter!
But at the same time, december goes faster then any other month. Its just 3 weeks until christmas and almost 4 weeks until new year... And then its new year and a new chapter in our lifes.
In february next year Bianca will start daycare! And i will go back to study full time! Looking forward to be almost done... I can finally see a end in the very long tunnel!
I only have 3 terms left! Wohoo! Then i hopefully never have to go back to school again!

Had my friend Lenita over today for some photoshoots and to let the dogs play some! The dogs really like the snow! Zelda goes crazy!
But it sucks that Bianca is starting to have a cold AGAIN! Her noose is dripping again and her coughing is starting again when she sleeps... Seems that she cant stay healthy for many days :(
We were going to town with my sister this afternoon, but since Biancas cold is getting worse, we think its better to stay home since its so cold.

Today we are going to open our presents from Holland! I´m so excited!
Curious as always ;)
And its fun for Bianca to open presents, although she thinks the paper is most fun ;)
Here is a picture of our mini-santa!
Cutest thing ever!

måndag 26 november 2012

Lazy monday

Today has been one of thoose days when you just dont do anything useful...
We started the day with giving the babies food and i walked a bit with Zelda. I was out with her this morning around 5 aswell, she had a bad belly... But we think we know why...
The past days she has been picking up every chewinggum she could find...
Sometimes we see it and sometimes we dont, so no wonder she has a bad belly... But we will be more careful now that we know what is happening.

The rest of the day we have mostly spent inside... We took a walk, all together, we usually do that at least once everyday now. Its good for us and for Bianca.
But the weather here has been so bad the past weeks... No sun at all... Just rain, wind, wet snow and clouds... So no fun in being outside either...
Yesterday we saw two mooses when we were walking! They were just walking around in peoples gardens, like they had no problems in the world...
We were like 15-20 meters from them, and of course none of us had a phone with a camera so we couldnt take pictures! But it was a nice little event, and Bianca saw her first moose!
Zelda went like crazy when we passed where they crossed the road, she was all sniffing and started to growl and bark! Hehe, stupid dog ;)
Or maybe she would be a great moose-hunting-dog ;)

We are still exercising with Bianca about her walking. Or half walking as it is. She is walking really good if you hold her hand. She can also take 3-4 steps herself, if she puts her effort in it. Mostly she just smiles and gets on her knees and crawl instead cause its faster! Haha!
She is so cute!

Anyway, its time to go to bed, tomorrow me and Bianca are going to parent-meeting. Most mums and babies there, not many dads, so Jeroen is not really interested im afraid...
But tomorrow we are going to the library! And Bianca will get a book! Exciting!

Here is a picture from todays walk!

söndag 25 november 2012

Almost christmas... or not?

I started a little early with the decorations... Or i dont know if its called decorations, but the "candlesticks" is in the windows... I had to google the word "ljusstake"... I dont think the word really suits the thingy but whatever...
I took a picture just to share the feeling, i so love december!

Over to something else... I dont know what just happend... But somehow i ended up ordering a pizza, that Jeroen is going to pick up now when he is walking with Zelda...
What happend? Ooops.... Well, shit happens!
I guess i will just go with the flow and eat my share ;)
Then we are going to bed, or something... No, im going to take a shower first!
See you laters!

lördag 24 november 2012

Breaking Dawn part 2

This afternoon its going to happen!
I´m finally going to see the finalt movie in the Twilight-Saga!!!
I´ve been waiting for it for a year now!
My sister is going to babysit Bianca for a few hours so me and Jeroen can go to the cinema!

The coughing is coming back again to :(
So we havent been able to meet Nova yet... But its no point if we are not 100%...

Well, dont have time to write more, we need to get Bianca awake and feed her a bit and then get her dressed and walk to my sister!
For the rest, having Bianca sleep once a day is still working!

onsdag 21 november 2012

Another niece

Today my little brother and his lovely girlfriend had a daughter!
She is so cute, but what i know, she has no name yet.
That also means that Bianca is not the youngest member of the family anymore!
She is a big girl now! And she now already has 6 cousins, and one on the way still...
I am so happy for Anders and Malin, and we will see when we will visit. It doesnt feel right to visit them at the hospital, she probably will go home in a few days. And i know how i felt the days after we came home, i was totally finishes... Didnt have any energy at all, and there is everything new!
So i dont really wanna visit until they invite us in, when they are ready.
My mum was going to visit this weekend, we will see if we will go with her.

When i think back on the time when Bianca was really tiny (like newborn) i mostly remember good things, sure i had a little struggle in the beginning, but i dont think i really understood how lucky we were, and what a calm and sweet baby we had, and still have.
I love my daughter so much, it hurts in my heart when i think about what i would do without her.
I am so greatful that we kept her, and i wouldnt change my life for anything in the world.
I have to mest wonderful man by my side, the best family and friends, and of course the best daughter in the world!
We have started to let Bianca sleep once every day now instead of two, since she was awake alot in the nights before so we tried to keep her awake from 8 (thats when she usually wakes up) until 11, then we give her some lunch, and then we put her to sleep, and then she sleeps for 1-2,5 hours - ish and then we keep her awake until 19, then we give her the bottle, brush her teeth and put her to bed :)
And the past days she done good with that! She sleeps until at least 8 in the morning!

Sometimes i am thinking about having more kids (later on i know, we cant before i finish school, but LATER), but i am still not sure... I am saticfied with Bianca as it is, and i wonder how she would react to a sibling. I´m sure she would be happy, when that time comes, but some days im not even sure i want another one. Even though i think there will be at least one more ;)

Now Jeroen is going out with Zelda for her last walk for the day, and i am going to brush my teeth and go to bed! This has been a really nice day!

måndag 12 november 2012


Today its Jeroens birthday, we started the day at 5.20, when Bianca thought it was time to go up, but Jeroen fed her and we went back to sleep for another hour. Me and Bianca made breakfast on bed for Jeroen and after that we went up.

Around 10 ish, Lenita came with her son Noah and her dog Kiara, so we went to the sport park to let the dogs play. After that we went to the shop to buy some stuff for dinner!
When we came home it was time for lunch and a nap-time for Bianca.
Around 16 my sister and Emilia came buy, and they bought some "fika", and we had a blueberry/raspberry pie in the oven so we had some kind of party!
Bianca was dancing at the table, movie is on facebook! She is so cute!
And we let her eat the food herslef today, i think she had most of it all over her face ;)

Now its evening and im thinking of taking a bath, and Bianca needs food and soon be put to bed.
At the moment Jeroen is trying to help Simeon to fix the sound on their computer over MSN... It doesnt sound like its any success ;)

Tomorrow Jeroen has a jobinterview again! And of course we are hoping for the best!
We all think its his turn to get a job now! He has been applying for so many...
Me and Bianca will just take it easy tomorrow, maybe take a walk if its nice weather!

Oh, and Biancas new carchair arrived today! We havent picked it up yet, but we probably will do it tomorrow! Really nice! Then she can sit in the car really really safe!
Its in top 3 of the best in test! Really pleased with the choice!

lördag 10 november 2012

First step

It was a really short one, but it was a step!
Our little girl is growing up! And in 3 months she already started the daycare...

I´m scared at the same time that im excited! Its scary because i am so used to have her home, but at the same time im excited for her, it will be good for her to meet new kids and play!
And of course it will be needed as soon as Jeroen gets a job and im studying full time again after new year.
Jeroen has a job interview on tuesday in Borlänge so we will hope that it gives something!
And we ordered a new carchair for Bianca last night!
Top 3 in "Best in test" so she will be safe in the car!

Tomorrow its my dads birthday, and its Fathers day here. Then i have 2 reasons to light a candle for my dad... Ok, i dont really need a reason, but then its just a "have to" to light one!
And on monday its Jeroens birthday!
I hope his flu is better though, he is coughing and having headaches :(
We are all half-sick... Bianca has a bad cough, but i am better now.
Lets hope we all get better soon so we all can go out again! We have just been out for shorter walks with Bianca, since we dont want her to get worse.
But back to the birthday... Jeroen already had his presents... I bought him the knives for the hunting.
But we are going to have a special dinner! Moose is on the menu of course ;)

Here is a picture of Bianca in her new pyamas!

onsdag 31 oktober 2012


Today we got some really exciting news!
Bianca got a spot at a daycare! Hästhove, which is the one my niece went to for 5 years!
They are really good there, so i am really happy!
This afternoon we met up with a old friend i know from my summerwork at the factory.
We went for a hour walk with her and her puppy Molly! So cute!
Molly and Zelda went wild! They were running like crazy... And now Zelda is sleeping like a baby ;)
We had Bianca with us aswell, she was sleeping the whole walk almost...
Zelda will turn 4 months tomorrow! She grows really fast, or at least her legs does ;)

Tomorrow i am going to Sandra-Lie for a few, she was really ill this morning, with a low blood sugar, and cramps... So i´m going there for a few tomorrow to make sure she is okay :)
Her husband is working, so i thought i would do her company!
We will see about friday, we were going to have a girls day then, but of course it depends how she´s feeling!

måndag 29 oktober 2012


Today its winter! And i mean winter for real!
We had Bianca outside in a sled we borrowed from our neighbours!
Their daughter have been here to play a bit with Bianca now in the morning... It was a bit to cold for them to play in the snow for very long.
Bianca really liked the sled! We will see how long the snow will stay... Probably not to long ;)

And Bianca is so cute in her winter outfit!

lördag 27 oktober 2012


Bianca was awake 4.30 this morning again... So went up and gave her food around 5, and was awake until 6 and then we went to sleep again to 8 :)

My sister wanted to borrow Bianca today so she came to pick her up around 10 this morning, so we had the day free... Or ok, she´s only been gone for 4 hours...
We havent really done anything special... I am going to clean a bit after i wrote this...
We went for a walk in the woods with Zelda so she could run a bit! It was fun... But then when i was going to hide behind a rock i stepped into a swamp...
And my foot got all wet, so it was just to go home again... Although we were out for a while!
The sun was shining and it wasnt to cold, just a few minus!

Took some nice pictures and movies :)
Tomorrow i am going to IKEA with Sandra-Lie and Julian.
We also need to buy Bianca a new carchair... And that one is not for free... Its always this money issue... Sometimes i wish i was made of money so i could buy everything we and Bianca needs...
Oh well... Wont be so many christmas presents this year... ALthough she is to small to understand what a present is... She would be happy with just a box, wrapped in paper :P

fredag 26 oktober 2012

Freaky friday!

Sandra-Lie and Julian is on their way over, so its soon time to go and meet them up at the bus!
They are coming here for some movienight, and some tacos!
Really nice to see them again! 3´rd time i see Sandra-Lie in a week now ;)
Can you tell that i like spending time with her?
Its fun that Jeroen gets to know some people to so its nice that Julian is coming over aswell!

On sunday i am going with them to IKEA, going to look for some christmas presents for Bianca, and some new plates for us, and of course... You never know what you can find on IKEA ;)

We also payed the bills today, always funny... Or not...
We will see when we will go to the Maxi/City gross this month...
We have said that we are going to start to plan every week what we are going to wat so we can buy like milk and stuff for a week, so we dont have to go everyday to get something :)

onsdag 24 oktober 2012


We had Sandra-Lie and Julian over for dinner today and we had so much fun!
We made lots of meat that we grilled on the table-grill... Or whatever its called... And to that we had potato gratin and a sause with chili, paprika, onion and creme fraiche! Really good!
And we ate lots! And we laughed alot.... Or at least me and Sandra-Lie did... We sat on one side of the table and almost died from laughter... Dont ask me about what, we just did... We have no humor at all... Haha! Julian and Jeroen sat on the other side and just looked at us... Bianca just looked at us aswell! She must have thought we were crazy!
After some sitting on the couch and some washing up, Sandra-Lie made a really good dessert!
After that we talked a little more, and decided that we are going there on friday for a movie-night (if we get babysitting), else they are coming here for some movie-watching!
And maybe i am going with them to IKEA on sunday, if Jeroen allows it ;)
I can always try to bribe him, hehe!

Bianca is feeling better today, the fever is gone, but she has been crying alot...
I dont know if it is because she has been sleeping bad the last days... She has been waking up every night for 5 days now... Although she has been sleeping lots in the days, mummys and daddys girl!
Now i am going to watch a movie with my hunnie bunny, and wait for my brother, that maybe are coming here with some moose meat! Goodiegood!

Here is some pictures of today!

Big girl

Bianca has grown so much, she is almost 9 months old! Here is some pictures from her lifetime!

                                                                A few days old

                                                                 1 month old

2 months old

3 months old

4 months old

5 months old

6 months old

7 months old
8 months old

Almost 8,5 months old

tisdag 23 oktober 2012

3 days fever?

I asked my sister about Biancas fever yesterday and she said i can me 3-days fever...
She has high fever for 3 days and then she gets red spots over her body, but its harmless... So now we hope its that, then we at least know it will be over soon...
Bianca is mostly sleeping, she doesnt stay awake more then 30 mins... She is awake for food and some cuddling, but she doesnt have the energy to play...
We have been giving her Alvedon for the fever so she is not as warm as she was yesterday.
And we are giving her lots to drink, so she is peeing good.
I feel so sorry for her, but she keeps smiling when she is awake :)
She is tired, but happy.

We wont go to the swimming today either, she wont be going out at all today, so i dont know what we are going to do. I dont know if Mogge is coming over today, she was her to borrow a calcylator from us, and she said something about her coming over today :)
And of course we have Zelda that needs to go out, but besides that i dont think much will happen today!

Looks like its going to be nice weather today anyway!

måndag 22 oktober 2012


I love sleepovers! Yesterday, my friend Sandra-Lie came over after we invited her! Her boyfriend has been working nightshifts all weekend so we thought that maybe its nicer to spend the night with a friend then being home alone, and she agreed!
She she came here around lunch yesterday so we ate some, did some shopping, hade a nice dinner, watched 2 movies and had some chips! And we talked late in the night, i think it was 1am when we went to bed. She slept in our bed since she is pregnant, and we slept on the airmadrass in the livingroom :)
Bianca was awake again last night... But today we found out why... She had 39 degrees fever this morning... So she has kind of been sleeping all day after we gave her some Alvedon for the fever... I hate it when she is sick, but she is still a happy girl, and she really liked Sandra-Lie!

She went home like 20 minutes ago, and its very quite in our apartment now, and i am a little tired after last night... Went to bed late and Bianca was awake... I think Jeroen said it was 2.30 before she fell asleep again.. But then we slept until 8.30 i think it was...
But i must say that i do prefer our bed ;)
We talked about that Sandra-Lie and Julian should come over for dinner this week, some day when he is not working!
Tomorrow is the last swimming lesson for Bianca but since she had that high fever i dont think we will go... Its a shame, then we have 2 lessons that we missed and need to do again (if there is time).
Today i dont think we will do much... Since Bianca is sick, we cant go anywhere...

But the weekend has been good, even though we have been sleeping bad!
Having Sandra-Lie here was a perfect ending of the week and a really good start on the new week!
So we have to do that again! (If she is not scared of already) Haha!

lördag 20 oktober 2012


Last night me and Jeroen made some nice dinner with meat and potatosallad, and after we put Bianca to sleep we watched a movie and made some dip and chips!
A really nice friday evening!
Bianca woke up at 2.30 though... and she was awake until 5.30...
So we all were really tired this morning... She fell asleep aagain around 5.30 and so did we after a while and we slept until 8.30! Then it was time to go up!
Today we been to the swimming area in Borlänge! Me, Bianca, Jeroen, Cilla, Royne, Isabelle and Lilly! We had so much fun!
The kids (and the grown ups) were swimming for 3 hours! Guess if we had tired kids on the way home? Bianca fell asleep even before we were out from the parking spot!
And she slept for 2 hours and she woke up like 20 mins ago and had some food... But she was just crying at the table, i dont know if she is still tired or if she was just to hungry...
She had some cookies and a banana at the swimming, but that was kind of it.
But we gave her in the bottle, and now she is playing on the floor :)
Tonight we are invited to Cilla and Royne for some dinner! So we came home and made a quick lunch (toasties). It was a late lunch, and in an hour or so we are going again.
Zelda was alone home when we were gone, she did really good! I think staying home alone is no longer a problem for her, at least not for a few hours! We gave her a nice bone to chew on and we put music on. So she is doing really good!
Anotherone that is doing good here is Bianca! She is imitating our word "Titta" now!
Its really fun! And we are trying to teach her how to wave :)
She is the cutest daughter ever <3

torsdag 18 oktober 2012

Get together

Yesterday we finally did the printing of Biancas hands and feets!
we have been thinking of it for so long, and we had the stuff from Laura and Theo (thank you for that!) so yesterday we did it! And we are really pleased with the result. I think Bianca was a bit sceptical about it... And washing the paint of was no fun at all...
So now the painting is hanging on the wall!

Today me and Bianca went with Lenita and Noah to a little "get together" with 10 other mums and their babies! It was nice, and Bianca really enjoyed it!
Most drank coffee and had some cookies and stuff and we were playing with the children. It felt like Bianca was the oldest one, at least the most active one ;)
She didnt stay still for a minute! Lots to look at and new toys to play with!
And when we where there she stood up without me holding her for like 30 seconds!!! Amazing!
She is such a big girl!
She fell asleep in the car home though... And she is still sleeping now, although we moved her to her bed!
Jeroen had the lunch ready when we came home, and now he took Zelda for a walk. He was going to the library to print some CV´s that he is going to bring tomorrow, he is going to Borlänge, lots of companys are going to be there so hope he can hand some CV out... Its always something!
We hope for some bigger luck now...
Tomorrow hopefully we are going swimming with Bianca, and this time Jeroen is going to swim (if he makes it back from Borlänge in time).

And maybe on saturday that we are going to Aqua Nova with Cilla, Lilly, Isabell and Tilde!
Jeroen is probably going with my brothers on hunting so then me and Bianca can have some fun aswell! Cilla was here yesterday over a coffee so we talked about it :)
Next week i am going to see Sandra-Lie again! She is such a nice girl, she is having a difficult pragnancy and her boyfriend works alot, so i thought i would go there and cheer her up a bit with some good food and some company!

tisdag 16 oktober 2012


Today we are going for some swimming! We just had some breakfast and Jeroen is walking the dog.
I have school in about an hour and after that i guess we will have lunch!
I went shopping at the Maxi with Mogge and my sister last night while Jeroen moved around the furniture in the livingroom... It looks really nice!
This afternoon Bianca will go under water at the swimming! I am really excited!
Since she loves water and she loves the swimming, i dont think it will be a problem for her!

We have been talking about christmas aswell, where we wanna be and what we are going to do, but nothing has been decided yet... It would be nice to go to Holland, but since we dont have the money or someone to watch the dog, then i dont think we can... I dont want to put that responsibility on anyone over christmas... And since none of my siblings will be home all christmas then we dont really have anyone else... And as i said, i dont want to ask someone to take care of our dog over christmas. So i guess we will be home :)
Probably  some celebration at my sister, with all siblings together with my aunt and cousin. And probably some celebration at my mums. We will see...

Well, time to change a stinky diaper! I can smell it all the way over here ;)

fredag 12 oktober 2012


Today has not been the best day.. Jeroen woke up with a headache and he slept until 10.30...
In that time i fed Bianca, fed Zelda and myself, took a walk and played with Bianca..
Bianca has been really tired and whiny today.. And i am starting to feel a headache aswell... I hope that we wont be sick..

The first few snowflakes fell this morning, it was a few but they were still there!
Winter is coming for real!
We went for a little walk before and put Bianca on a spot with lots of leaves, so we could take some nice pictures! She really liked it! But i dont think the leaves tasted so good...

We also let Zelda track down a moose leg we got from my brother...
Zelda really likes it! And she is pretty good at it, although we are taking it slow :)
But i am sure she will be a good tracking dog! She need some activity so she can use her head!
I will upload a picture that we took today of our lovely daughter!

måndag 8 oktober 2012


Today its been 2 years ago since my dad died, he lost the fight against the cancer...
I dont really feel like writing a long text about it... I already wrote one about my dad.
I will light a candle for him tonight, give a extra thought (although he gets lots of thoughts everyday)

Anyway, yesterday we had a little get together at my brothers hpuse, that house feels a bit special since it was my dads house of course...
But anyway, it was decided that i was going with Malinh ome and spend the afternoon and night at her place, so i did! It was fun, we had a nice dinner, movie-night and long talks!
I think we fell asleep somewhere around midnight, we were talking for a long time, cause we went to bed around 22.
Today we were a quickie into town but we didnt find anything fun so she dropped me of at the busstation and i went home!
I really missed Jeroen and Bianca, and it was so lonely last night!
But tonight i will sleep next to Jeroen again! And Bianca was happy to see me! And Zelda too of course!
Tomorrow i have studiegroup in the morning and babyswimming in the afternoon.
I so love the swimming, and i know Bianca does to!

Its starting to get really cold here now! You really need to put lots of clothes on in the morning for the walk with Zelda! But its nice, i hope soon the snow will come!
Its not funny that it gets dark so early...
Oh well... Nothing more to say at the moment...

lördag 6 oktober 2012

Market with Mogge

Today me and Bianca are going with Mogge (Malin) to the market in Rättvik to have a look!
I need to buy socks and we need to find some thicker socks for Bianca aswell and hopefully something warm for her feet before the winter comes.
Its like 0 degrees outside and the grass is already freezing so the winter is on its way!
Bianca has been awake for an hour already and i have been up since just after 5, since Jeroen is out hunting today with Peter and Fredrik and some other people :)
Only if i look outside i can see how cold it is! Its so refreshing to go out when its cold! Although im not sure Bianca and Zelda agrees... Zelda for sure doesnt.... She rather stay inside, but she better get used to it ;) Sweden is cold in the winter!
But i think today will be nice weather! The sky has been clear all night and the sun is on its way up!
Its so depressing that its getting darker... Not that i mind it, its just that i dont like to walk alone when its dark... Specially not in the night...
But the dog needs to go out... The thing is that she is probably more scared of the dark then me, haha!
She doesnt want to walk where there is no lights...
I think tomorrow we are having some kind of "get together", all siblings at my sisters...
We will eat something and light a candle for my dad...
On monday its 2 years ago that he died :(
Not a day goes by without me thinking of him and miss him... I cant belive its already been 2 years...
So much has happend during thoose years... Me and Jeroen moved in together, we had a baby, we got a dog...
I hear someone needs a new diaper from the kitchen...
Its so fun with Bianca being able to get around to whatever room she wants to be in!
And she is clapping her hands now all the time! Its really cute!

onsdag 3 oktober 2012

Look alikes?

I heard yesterday that Bianca looks like me when i was a baby...
I dont know if thats true?
I mean you can see that she has some of my genes but still...
Do we look alike?

måndag 1 oktober 2012

Proud mama!

I am so proud of our big girl!
70,5 cm long and 9720 grams!
And Catarina watched her crawl, and that goes really fast now! And she saw her stand up!
And she tried if Bianca could hold 2 toys and smack them against eachother, no problems there either! And that is things she tries when they are 10 months old, and Bianca is 8 months on wednesday! So guess if i am a proud mama?!
Not that i want to brag but i am so proud that Bianca already can do thoose things!
So next time we are going there is 3 december :)
Then its almost christmas even... I so want christmas!

Zelda was home alone when we were gone, and she was sleeping in her cage when we came home, so she is a good girl to! I think the bone and the music helped! So hopefully she will get used to it soon, so we can go away together for shopping or whatever :)
Bianca tried to lay in Zeldas cage this morning, haha, Zelda looked like "What the....?"
It looked really funny!

This afternoon Malin is coming over for dinner! Going to cook some moose!
This will be the 3rd evening i cook in a row! Never happend before i think ;)
I am usually the helper for Jeroen, he is the master chef in this family!
But before that we are picking up Emilia from school 13.20.

fredag 28 september 2012


I dont know if thats the right word... Wagon, trolley or cart, whatever...
Bianca took her first steps with her walking-wagon-trolley-cart... without us have to hold it!
Usually she falls forward but now she kept up with her little legs! Really fun to see!
It was just 3 or 4 steps but still! Its a steps in right direction!
I am not surprised if she would walk soon!
Standing up is no more a problem for her, she stands up against everything.
The table, chairs, our legs, the couch... She is getting around really fast now!!
She has been very whiny the past days, and she has been sleeping bad in the nights... But she has 2 teeth now! So i dont know if its that...

My brother is coming over in an hour-ish. He stop work at 2 and starts again at 4... He was going to work double-shift today or something, so he was wondering if he could stay here between :)
If the weather stays this way i will go with him and he can drop me of at dads grave.
I have been planning to go there for some time now and i think its about time i go.
I will take a candle with me aswell.
Its been raining kind of all day but now the sun is shining, so hopefully it stays like this.

tisdag 18 september 2012

Home alone

Not as fun as it sounds.
Its always so quite when Jeroen is not home and Bianca is sleeping.
She was awake from 13.10-17.30 so it was a while! Now she is sleeping though and i just came in with Zelda.
Jeroen was first at Adecco this morning, and he came home for lunch, then he went back to town again... Or to Svärdsjö cause he is going to finish his hunting exam! Hope for the best, he promised he would give me a massage if he passed ;)
And i think, and hope he will!
I will prepair some dinner for him when he comes home. Some garlicbread in the oven, some meat, potatoes and paprica/onion sause! Yummie!
Bianca had a really good day today! She has been happy! Tomorrow i am going to the dentist with her, and after that we are going to visit my dads grave and light a candle for him :)
He hasnt seen Bianca since june so its about time! I miss him so much :(
Oh well, today im having a good day so i dont want to think sad thoughts... I will think how happy he was during his last weeks, months of his life.
Its almost been 2 years... We will see what we will put together (all siblings). We always honor my dad on that date, same as we do on his birthday. Which is soon aswell.
Oh well... I was thinking of taking a bath before i start dinner... We will see :)
I will give you a picture of my beautiful daughter and my beautiful puppy!

onsdag 12 september 2012


Bianca got her first tooth! Its coming through now!
Everything is happening so fast now! Mummy having problems with following!
I think Bianca should slow down!
I mean... She is sitting, carwling, standing... And now teeth!
I love her so much!
Mummys biggest pride in life! I´m so proud of her!

söndag 9 september 2012

Early morning

We are already up, me, Jeroen, Bianca and Zelda... Bianca was awake around 4 this morning again, dont know why she started to do that... Probably since she is sleeping in our room while Laura and Theo are here and she hears every move we make and every sound. She is used to a quite room. And Zelda sleeps in the bench in our room aswell and she has not really gotten used to it yet so she can be whiny aswell.
Oh well, shit happens. Bianca had food around 5, and then we putted her to bed half an hour later and she slept another hour and then woke up again with a full diaper.
I am a bit tired... Didnt sleep well, its so warm in our room now but we cant have the window open when we have Bianca in our room.
We hade a nice little grill-evening last night. Lots of good food and talking!
Today Jeroen and Theo are going away, Jeroen is making the exam today. And me, Laura and Bianca will stay home for a nice girly day. We will watch some movie, make nice lunch, facemasks and just hang out. Will be nice! Seems it will be nice weather aswell so maybe we will take a walk aswell, you have to enjoy the few last days of sun now when the fall is coming running! The leaves are already yellow the degrees are already falling to around zero.
Zelda is running around with her ball, when it rolls over the floor some snack will fall out.
She has been very hyper active this morning so we give her something to do :)
She cant really go for a long walk yet, she is only 10 weeks.
I´m starting to get hungry... Maybe we should eat soon.
Probably will come pictures on facebook from our day today :)

lördag 8 september 2012


Det här inlägget tänker jag skriva på svenska... Orkar inte sitta och översätta just nu...
Precis ätit, och är mätt som bara den.
När jag satt och gav Bianca mat så började jag tänka på pappas begravning... Det är 1 år och 11 månader sedan han gick bort.... 1 år och 11 månader sedan han förlorade kampen mot cancern.
Jag saknar honom något så otroligt jämt, och önskar att han kunde finnas med oss i livet.
Jag hade kunnat göra vad som helst... Bara för att få spendera några minuter, timmar, dagar, veckor, år med pappa... Det är inte rättvist...
Jag minns fortfarande när Nenne ringde den där månaden när jag satt och pluggade hemma hos några tjejkompisar. Vi skulle ha tenta den veckan i Skolans historia.
Nenne ringde och sa att jag skulle komma hem direkt. Väl hemma berättade hon att det inte fanns något mer de kunde göra för pappas cancer... Han skulle dö väldigt snart... Det kändes så overkligt liksom... Men även då tänkte man att "han överlever väl ett tag till"... Men så blev det inte... Vi förlorade kontakten med honom mer och mer och under torsdagen var han inte ens kontaktbarn, hans kropp hade börjat stänga ner.
På fredag morgon, tidigt, kommer Anders upp och väcker oss och säger att vi måste komma ner, det är påväg att ta slut.
Min underbara pappas liv höll på att ta slut.
Vi stog där allihopa, hela familjen och såg på när pappa drog sitt sista andetag.
Såg när han drog vidare till andarnas värld (om det finns något sånt). Himlen kanske?
Jag hoppas innerligt att han har det mycket bättre där än det lidande han fick gå igenom här i sin sjukdom. Jag vet att han var lycklig för vad han hade, men jag vet också hur ont han hade. Han sa det inte alltid, men det syntes...
Fan va jag saknar dig pappa!!! Det är så svårt att hålla tårarna tillbaka när jag skriver detta... Men jag vill inte gråta när vi har besök, då ska vi vara glada....
Och jag har varit glad hela dagen, det har varit en riktigt bra dag! Jag har kännt mig lycklig...
Men nu så bara försvann allt...
Jag tänker på allt vi har gjort, alla minnen.
Och det jag först kommer att tänka på är såklart Billhamn! Du bara älskade att vara där, och vi också. Vi kanske uppskattade det lite mer på senare dagar men jag har bara bra minnen därifrån!
High Chaparall, dit du var så glad att vi ville ta med en "gammal gubbe" som du. Klart vi ville! Det var den sista sommaren vi hade med dig... Och vi njöt som bara den där nere! I vilda western, där du hörde hemma ;) Vår alldelles egen Clintan.
Jag tänker på alla dom dagarna du har spenderat bakom huset, med din kaffetermos och bara tittat ut över vattnet och brukä. Det var liksom du...
Jag tänker på alla älgjakter vi har haft tillsammans, och hur många älgar du har skjutit när jag har varit där. Nu när du är borta har det intresset liksom falnat... Det var du som höll intresset brinnande... Nu när du är borta känns det liksom inte roligt längre...
Jag saknar dig pappa, och jag älskar dig gränslöst! Och kommer alltid att göra..


Her first steps with the wagon she has! Movie is on its way on facebook, i dont know how to explain it to the dutch people... A wagon she can lean on to learn to walk, kind of...
She is so cute and so much is happening! I am so proud of her! Its insane how much love you feel for your children... My heart just rinning over with love for her.
Me and Laura were to Maxi today and bought food and new clothing for Bianca for the winter, see the picture! She is just the cutest thing ever!
I so love the picture!!! My little princess, my daughter. My daughter, mine and Jeroens. Noone elses... We created her, we raise her... Our daughter... You almost get tears in your eyes...
Its amazing that i have such a beautiful, smart, cute daughter!
We are going to grill tonight! And tomorrow Jeroen is going to to his hunting-exam, and i wish him all the luck! I hope he will make it! And i think so since he studied so hard for it!
Laura, me and Bianca are going to do some nice lunch, facemasks and just take it easy! Okay, maybe Bianca wont have a mask but you get the idea ;)
Today has been such a good day! I am so happy!
I watched 2 lectures for school aswell, 1 that was from this week and 1 that i should watch for next week, so i am a little in front.
Oh well, we are soon going to enjoy a really nice dinner!

fredag 7 september 2012

A while ago

Yes it was a while ago that i wrote here...
Havent really had anything to write that is not already on Facebook...
Life goes on pretty much as normal. Bianca is growing way to fast. She is crawling for real, not only dragging herself with her hands, and she can stand up by herself aswell now, we saw that yesterday!
We have Jeroens sister Laura and her boyfriend Theo here for visit. They stay until thursday. We had some great days! Me and Laura went to Borlänge for some shopping the other day, they have been looking around the woods here, we had lots of good food and drinks, movienights and so on! On monday we are going bowling, and my sister is going to babysit Zelda and Bianca. Oh yeah, Zelda is our dog. We got a dog! A mix between Flatcoated retriever, irish setter and labrador. She is supercute! So now i guess we are the "perfect" family with child and a dog, haha.
Only the Volvo that is missing.
School so far is going good, only had 1 seminar so far but it went alright.
I miss some of my friends, Evelina, Sandra, Rebecca, Emma, Andreas..... Decided with some of them to meet up sometime... Hope it will be soon.
Oh well... Dont really have anything else to write at the moment...

onsdag 8 augusti 2012


Bianca is really crawling now! Movie is on the way on facebook!
She drags herself around with her arms, but i still count that to crawling since she really is getting forward!
I am so proud! She is only 6 months!
And today we are going to the doctor, she is getting a shot. I hope it wont be like last time, then she got a fever in the evening and during the night. Lots of crying that day, and i hope she wont get it this time!
Jeroen is going out with my sister and little-brother today to pick some mushrooms!
So i will go alone to the doctor today, and after that a old friend of mine is coming over!
Havent seen her for ages, and now she has a month old baby aswell!
So we will make a nice pastasallad for lunch!
And we also keep our fringers crossed today for Jeroens little sister Laura!

söndag 5 augusti 2012

Home again

We are home again... Both nice and not so nice...
Okay we have been home for a week already but i just haven´t had the energy to write.
I am not going to write about all that we did in Holland, cause its to much! And you can see the pictures on Facebook...
But we went to the zoo, the dolphinarium, biking, fishing, picknick and so on... We had a really nice time! And it was really nice to see everyone again!
And hopefully Laura and Theo are coming here for their holiday in september!
I could really need someone to go to the IKEA with ;)
Since we came home we did some changes here, we have decided that we are going to loose weight now. Like, really finally start to do something about it.
So we are eating better, not using so much fat, and more veggies, drinking more water and milk, doing Zumba every day and we are walking more. So we will see what happens.
For the rest, Bianca has recovered from the long traveling home, but she had pretty cranky days both yesterday and this morning. Dont know whats wrong.
We are waiting for her to wake up now, we are going for a walk.
The sun was shining when we went up, but of course, now its gone :(
The weather has not been that nice since we came home.
Oh well, summer is almost over, so better prepair for what is to come, hehe...
We applied for a daycare place for Bianca the other day to. She hopefully will start in january, so i can go back to school on campus. I dont know if i want to read the next course on distance, but we will see. Nothing is impossible!
Bianca is such a big girl now! 6 months! Time goes so fast, im not following!
And she has done such progress this summer! She is almost crawling, she is sitting up, sitting with us by the table, standing up if you hold her hands...
She is growing so fast! We are going to the doctor this week, and she will get the 6-months shots, and i think they are going to check what she can and cant do :)
Oh well, dont know what to write anymore so we will save that for another time!

onsdag 4 juli 2012


Bianca is up, I am up and the first laundry is in the machine! We have the laundry room booked for the whole day, we are going to wash everything, towels, bed linnen, clothes, baby gym carpet... You name it! Because tomorrow is the big day! We are going to Holland for 3,5 weeks!!!
We had Anders and Malin here from sunday evening, Malin is leaving today but im not sure about Anders, he may stay until tomorrow, you never know.
8 tomorrow morning the bus goes and 9.30 the train leaves from town. We will be in Nyköping around2 in the afternoon. I think that is better for Bianca. Then she can settle down and have some food and hopefully some sleep before the flight. Boarding was 20.20 i think :)
I am so excited! I just hope it will be good weather. I think Jeroen said something about thunderstorm tomorrow.... I dont want to land in that... Hopefully it stays away from Bremen...
Like i sayd, today we are going to do laundry, and a friend of my brother and my sister, and a little from myself (havent seen her for years though) is coming over today with her daughter to see Bianca a bit before we leave. And i guess we are going to Peter and Christine to visit aswell. After all, they are going to handle our flowers and our mail when we are gone.
The weather here doesnt seem to be that nice today... Or not at the moment at least, it can change.
Yesterday it was really nice weather! I was at the dentist in the morning, went well, they didnt find anything but good teeth! They adviced me to floss though... So i think i should start with that. After that me and Malin had a nice lunch at the chinese restaurant, then we went to the book store and we both came out with books.
In the evening we had a nice dinner and then we watched a movie together. Very nice!
I will see how long Bianca want stay awake, hopefully she gets tired soon, cause i am still tirend and want to sleep some more :)