onsdag 5 december 2012


Some people are just so false...
They say one thing to you but in reality they suddenly mean something different.
I feel so sorry for them. They try to treat you well but you soon see through the false picture.
I wonder how people like that can live with themselves, dont they see it themselves? Or are they just so busy by acting that they dont want to care?

Oh well, at least i am happy with my life and what i have. A lovely family and friends!
Friends comes and goes, but i have some friends i know i will have my whole life!
And i have the best man ever by my side through life!
And my wonderful daughter that i will love for all eternity!
Speaking about her, her flu is not getting better and i even think she has a fever now, she was very warm in the afternoon... :(

No phones today either :( It said on the internet that they we are the mail office 2 days ago but still they are not here :( I dont know if the mailman lost his way in all the snow or if it just takes time.. We want our phones!!! :)
Its like waiting for Santa on Christmas eve...!!
We are also waiting for Anders, Malin and Nova, who said they were coming over this afternoon, so we will see if they show up!

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