onsdag 31 oktober 2012


Today we got some really exciting news!
Bianca got a spot at a daycare! Hästhove, which is the one my niece went to for 5 years!
They are really good there, so i am really happy!
This afternoon we met up with a old friend i know from my summerwork at the factory.
We went for a hour walk with her and her puppy Molly! So cute!
Molly and Zelda went wild! They were running like crazy... And now Zelda is sleeping like a baby ;)
We had Bianca with us aswell, she was sleeping the whole walk almost...
Zelda will turn 4 months tomorrow! She grows really fast, or at least her legs does ;)

Tomorrow i am going to Sandra-Lie for a few, she was really ill this morning, with a low blood sugar, and cramps... So i´m going there for a few tomorrow to make sure she is okay :)
Her husband is working, so i thought i would do her company!
We will see about friday, we were going to have a girls day then, but of course it depends how she´s feeling!

måndag 29 oktober 2012


Today its winter! And i mean winter for real!
We had Bianca outside in a sled we borrowed from our neighbours!
Their daughter have been here to play a bit with Bianca now in the morning... It was a bit to cold for them to play in the snow for very long.
Bianca really liked the sled! We will see how long the snow will stay... Probably not to long ;)

And Bianca is so cute in her winter outfit!

lördag 27 oktober 2012


Bianca was awake 4.30 this morning again... So went up and gave her food around 5, and was awake until 6 and then we went to sleep again to 8 :)

My sister wanted to borrow Bianca today so she came to pick her up around 10 this morning, so we had the day free... Or ok, she´s only been gone for 4 hours...
We havent really done anything special... I am going to clean a bit after i wrote this...
We went for a walk in the woods with Zelda so she could run a bit! It was fun... But then when i was going to hide behind a rock i stepped into a swamp...
And my foot got all wet, so it was just to go home again... Although we were out for a while!
The sun was shining and it wasnt to cold, just a few minus!

Took some nice pictures and movies :)
Tomorrow i am going to IKEA with Sandra-Lie and Julian.
We also need to buy Bianca a new carchair... And that one is not for free... Its always this money issue... Sometimes i wish i was made of money so i could buy everything we and Bianca needs...
Oh well... Wont be so many christmas presents this year... ALthough she is to small to understand what a present is... She would be happy with just a box, wrapped in paper :P

fredag 26 oktober 2012

Freaky friday!

Sandra-Lie and Julian is on their way over, so its soon time to go and meet them up at the bus!
They are coming here for some movienight, and some tacos!
Really nice to see them again! 3´rd time i see Sandra-Lie in a week now ;)
Can you tell that i like spending time with her?
Its fun that Jeroen gets to know some people to so its nice that Julian is coming over aswell!

On sunday i am going with them to IKEA, going to look for some christmas presents for Bianca, and some new plates for us, and of course... You never know what you can find on IKEA ;)

We also payed the bills today, always funny... Or not...
We will see when we will go to the Maxi/City gross this month...
We have said that we are going to start to plan every week what we are going to wat so we can buy like milk and stuff for a week, so we dont have to go everyday to get something :)

onsdag 24 oktober 2012


We had Sandra-Lie and Julian over for dinner today and we had so much fun!
We made lots of meat that we grilled on the table-grill... Or whatever its called... And to that we had potato gratin and a sause with chili, paprika, onion and creme fraiche! Really good!
And we ate lots! And we laughed alot.... Or at least me and Sandra-Lie did... We sat on one side of the table and almost died from laughter... Dont ask me about what, we just did... We have no humor at all... Haha! Julian and Jeroen sat on the other side and just looked at us... Bianca just looked at us aswell! She must have thought we were crazy!
After some sitting on the couch and some washing up, Sandra-Lie made a really good dessert!
After that we talked a little more, and decided that we are going there on friday for a movie-night (if we get babysitting), else they are coming here for some movie-watching!
And maybe i am going with them to IKEA on sunday, if Jeroen allows it ;)
I can always try to bribe him, hehe!

Bianca is feeling better today, the fever is gone, but she has been crying alot...
I dont know if it is because she has been sleeping bad the last days... She has been waking up every night for 5 days now... Although she has been sleeping lots in the days, mummys and daddys girl!
Now i am going to watch a movie with my hunnie bunny, and wait for my brother, that maybe are coming here with some moose meat! Goodiegood!

Here is some pictures of today!

Big girl

Bianca has grown so much, she is almost 9 months old! Here is some pictures from her lifetime!

                                                                A few days old

                                                                 1 month old

2 months old

3 months old

4 months old

5 months old

6 months old

7 months old
8 months old

Almost 8,5 months old

tisdag 23 oktober 2012

3 days fever?

I asked my sister about Biancas fever yesterday and she said i can me 3-days fever...
She has high fever for 3 days and then she gets red spots over her body, but its harmless... So now we hope its that, then we at least know it will be over soon...
Bianca is mostly sleeping, she doesnt stay awake more then 30 mins... She is awake for food and some cuddling, but she doesnt have the energy to play...
We have been giving her Alvedon for the fever so she is not as warm as she was yesterday.
And we are giving her lots to drink, so she is peeing good.
I feel so sorry for her, but she keeps smiling when she is awake :)
She is tired, but happy.

We wont go to the swimming today either, she wont be going out at all today, so i dont know what we are going to do. I dont know if Mogge is coming over today, she was her to borrow a calcylator from us, and she said something about her coming over today :)
And of course we have Zelda that needs to go out, but besides that i dont think much will happen today!

Looks like its going to be nice weather today anyway!

måndag 22 oktober 2012


I love sleepovers! Yesterday, my friend Sandra-Lie came over after we invited her! Her boyfriend has been working nightshifts all weekend so we thought that maybe its nicer to spend the night with a friend then being home alone, and she agreed!
She she came here around lunch yesterday so we ate some, did some shopping, hade a nice dinner, watched 2 movies and had some chips! And we talked late in the night, i think it was 1am when we went to bed. She slept in our bed since she is pregnant, and we slept on the airmadrass in the livingroom :)
Bianca was awake again last night... But today we found out why... She had 39 degrees fever this morning... So she has kind of been sleeping all day after we gave her some Alvedon for the fever... I hate it when she is sick, but she is still a happy girl, and she really liked Sandra-Lie!

She went home like 20 minutes ago, and its very quite in our apartment now, and i am a little tired after last night... Went to bed late and Bianca was awake... I think Jeroen said it was 2.30 before she fell asleep again.. But then we slept until 8.30 i think it was...
But i must say that i do prefer our bed ;)
We talked about that Sandra-Lie and Julian should come over for dinner this week, some day when he is not working!
Tomorrow is the last swimming lesson for Bianca but since she had that high fever i dont think we will go... Its a shame, then we have 2 lessons that we missed and need to do again (if there is time).
Today i dont think we will do much... Since Bianca is sick, we cant go anywhere...

But the weekend has been good, even though we have been sleeping bad!
Having Sandra-Lie here was a perfect ending of the week and a really good start on the new week!
So we have to do that again! (If she is not scared of already) Haha!

lördag 20 oktober 2012


Last night me and Jeroen made some nice dinner with meat and potatosallad, and after we put Bianca to sleep we watched a movie and made some dip and chips!
A really nice friday evening!
Bianca woke up at 2.30 though... and she was awake until 5.30...
So we all were really tired this morning... She fell asleep aagain around 5.30 and so did we after a while and we slept until 8.30! Then it was time to go up!
Today we been to the swimming area in Borlänge! Me, Bianca, Jeroen, Cilla, Royne, Isabelle and Lilly! We had so much fun!
The kids (and the grown ups) were swimming for 3 hours! Guess if we had tired kids on the way home? Bianca fell asleep even before we were out from the parking spot!
And she slept for 2 hours and she woke up like 20 mins ago and had some food... But she was just crying at the table, i dont know if she is still tired or if she was just to hungry...
She had some cookies and a banana at the swimming, but that was kind of it.
But we gave her in the bottle, and now she is playing on the floor :)
Tonight we are invited to Cilla and Royne for some dinner! So we came home and made a quick lunch (toasties). It was a late lunch, and in an hour or so we are going again.
Zelda was alone home when we were gone, she did really good! I think staying home alone is no longer a problem for her, at least not for a few hours! We gave her a nice bone to chew on and we put music on. So she is doing really good!
Anotherone that is doing good here is Bianca! She is imitating our word "Titta" now!
Its really fun! And we are trying to teach her how to wave :)
She is the cutest daughter ever <3

torsdag 18 oktober 2012

Get together

Yesterday we finally did the printing of Biancas hands and feets!
we have been thinking of it for so long, and we had the stuff from Laura and Theo (thank you for that!) so yesterday we did it! And we are really pleased with the result. I think Bianca was a bit sceptical about it... And washing the paint of was no fun at all...
So now the painting is hanging on the wall!

Today me and Bianca went with Lenita and Noah to a little "get together" with 10 other mums and their babies! It was nice, and Bianca really enjoyed it!
Most drank coffee and had some cookies and stuff and we were playing with the children. It felt like Bianca was the oldest one, at least the most active one ;)
She didnt stay still for a minute! Lots to look at and new toys to play with!
And when we where there she stood up without me holding her for like 30 seconds!!! Amazing!
She is such a big girl!
She fell asleep in the car home though... And she is still sleeping now, although we moved her to her bed!
Jeroen had the lunch ready when we came home, and now he took Zelda for a walk. He was going to the library to print some CV´s that he is going to bring tomorrow, he is going to Borlänge, lots of companys are going to be there so hope he can hand some CV out... Its always something!
We hope for some bigger luck now...
Tomorrow hopefully we are going swimming with Bianca, and this time Jeroen is going to swim (if he makes it back from Borlänge in time).

And maybe on saturday that we are going to Aqua Nova with Cilla, Lilly, Isabell and Tilde!
Jeroen is probably going with my brothers on hunting so then me and Bianca can have some fun aswell! Cilla was here yesterday over a coffee so we talked about it :)
Next week i am going to see Sandra-Lie again! She is such a nice girl, she is having a difficult pragnancy and her boyfriend works alot, so i thought i would go there and cheer her up a bit with some good food and some company!

tisdag 16 oktober 2012


Today we are going for some swimming! We just had some breakfast and Jeroen is walking the dog.
I have school in about an hour and after that i guess we will have lunch!
I went shopping at the Maxi with Mogge and my sister last night while Jeroen moved around the furniture in the livingroom... It looks really nice!
This afternoon Bianca will go under water at the swimming! I am really excited!
Since she loves water and she loves the swimming, i dont think it will be a problem for her!

We have been talking about christmas aswell, where we wanna be and what we are going to do, but nothing has been decided yet... It would be nice to go to Holland, but since we dont have the money or someone to watch the dog, then i dont think we can... I dont want to put that responsibility on anyone over christmas... And since none of my siblings will be home all christmas then we dont really have anyone else... And as i said, i dont want to ask someone to take care of our dog over christmas. So i guess we will be home :)
Probably  some celebration at my sister, with all siblings together with my aunt and cousin. And probably some celebration at my mums. We will see...

Well, time to change a stinky diaper! I can smell it all the way over here ;)

fredag 12 oktober 2012


Today has not been the best day.. Jeroen woke up with a headache and he slept until 10.30...
In that time i fed Bianca, fed Zelda and myself, took a walk and played with Bianca..
Bianca has been really tired and whiny today.. And i am starting to feel a headache aswell... I hope that we wont be sick..

The first few snowflakes fell this morning, it was a few but they were still there!
Winter is coming for real!
We went for a little walk before and put Bianca on a spot with lots of leaves, so we could take some nice pictures! She really liked it! But i dont think the leaves tasted so good...

We also let Zelda track down a moose leg we got from my brother...
Zelda really likes it! And she is pretty good at it, although we are taking it slow :)
But i am sure she will be a good tracking dog! She need some activity so she can use her head!
I will upload a picture that we took today of our lovely daughter!

måndag 8 oktober 2012


Today its been 2 years ago since my dad died, he lost the fight against the cancer...
I dont really feel like writing a long text about it... I already wrote one about my dad.
I will light a candle for him tonight, give a extra thought (although he gets lots of thoughts everyday)

Anyway, yesterday we had a little get together at my brothers hpuse, that house feels a bit special since it was my dads house of course...
But anyway, it was decided that i was going with Malinh ome and spend the afternoon and night at her place, so i did! It was fun, we had a nice dinner, movie-night and long talks!
I think we fell asleep somewhere around midnight, we were talking for a long time, cause we went to bed around 22.
Today we were a quickie into town but we didnt find anything fun so she dropped me of at the busstation and i went home!
I really missed Jeroen and Bianca, and it was so lonely last night!
But tonight i will sleep next to Jeroen again! And Bianca was happy to see me! And Zelda too of course!
Tomorrow i have studiegroup in the morning and babyswimming in the afternoon.
I so love the swimming, and i know Bianca does to!

Its starting to get really cold here now! You really need to put lots of clothes on in the morning for the walk with Zelda! But its nice, i hope soon the snow will come!
Its not funny that it gets dark so early...
Oh well... Nothing more to say at the moment...

lördag 6 oktober 2012

Market with Mogge

Today me and Bianca are going with Mogge (Malin) to the market in Rättvik to have a look!
I need to buy socks and we need to find some thicker socks for Bianca aswell and hopefully something warm for her feet before the winter comes.
Its like 0 degrees outside and the grass is already freezing so the winter is on its way!
Bianca has been awake for an hour already and i have been up since just after 5, since Jeroen is out hunting today with Peter and Fredrik and some other people :)
Only if i look outside i can see how cold it is! Its so refreshing to go out when its cold! Although im not sure Bianca and Zelda agrees... Zelda for sure doesnt.... She rather stay inside, but she better get used to it ;) Sweden is cold in the winter!
But i think today will be nice weather! The sky has been clear all night and the sun is on its way up!
Its so depressing that its getting darker... Not that i mind it, its just that i dont like to walk alone when its dark... Specially not in the night...
But the dog needs to go out... The thing is that she is probably more scared of the dark then me, haha!
She doesnt want to walk where there is no lights...
I think tomorrow we are having some kind of "get together", all siblings at my sisters...
We will eat something and light a candle for my dad...
On monday its 2 years ago that he died :(
Not a day goes by without me thinking of him and miss him... I cant belive its already been 2 years...
So much has happend during thoose years... Me and Jeroen moved in together, we had a baby, we got a dog...
I hear someone needs a new diaper from the kitchen...
Its so fun with Bianca being able to get around to whatever room she wants to be in!
And she is clapping her hands now all the time! Its really cute!

onsdag 3 oktober 2012

Look alikes?

I heard yesterday that Bianca looks like me when i was a baby...
I dont know if thats true?
I mean you can see that she has some of my genes but still...
Do we look alike?

måndag 1 oktober 2012

Proud mama!

I am so proud of our big girl!
70,5 cm long and 9720 grams!
And Catarina watched her crawl, and that goes really fast now! And she saw her stand up!
And she tried if Bianca could hold 2 toys and smack them against eachother, no problems there either! And that is things she tries when they are 10 months old, and Bianca is 8 months on wednesday! So guess if i am a proud mama?!
Not that i want to brag but i am so proud that Bianca already can do thoose things!
So next time we are going there is 3 december :)
Then its almost christmas even... I so want christmas!

Zelda was home alone when we were gone, and she was sleeping in her cage when we came home, so she is a good girl to! I think the bone and the music helped! So hopefully she will get used to it soon, so we can go away together for shopping or whatever :)
Bianca tried to lay in Zeldas cage this morning, haha, Zelda looked like "What the....?"
It looked really funny!

This afternoon Malin is coming over for dinner! Going to cook some moose!
This will be the 3rd evening i cook in a row! Never happend before i think ;)
I am usually the helper for Jeroen, he is the master chef in this family!
But before that we are picking up Emilia from school 13.20.