torsdag 20 december 2012

My year - 2012

When i´m looking back at 2012 im thinking about that so much has happend!
Lots of good thing and bad things...
In february Bianca was born, one of the happiest moments in my life! It feels like it was yesterday i was pregnant, not almost a year ago... Time is walking by so fast, and sometimes it feels like i cant keep up! Bianca is almost a year now! A whole year has passed since the day i was at the hospital...
Every day, week and month with her has been full with adventures, laughing, crying and love!
She has learnd so much during this time, and you really see lots of me and Jeroen in her, but she also has her own wonderful personality. The time i had with her this year i wouldnt trade for anything, its the greatest gifts of all to be her mummy!

Another big thing that happend was in april when we moved to our new apartment in Vippan. We really really like it here, even though Gruvstaden isnt that good... But we really love the neighbourhood, kind of feels like being "home" again. And i hope we can live here forever! Maybe move to a bigger apartment, but i dont want to leave Vippan if i really dont have to.

We made a few travels aswell this year... In june we went with my family on a cruise! We had a really good time! And i think even Bianca liked it!
Later in the summer Bianca went on her first loooooooong trip! We went to see the family in Holland! We had so much fun there even though i think Bianca was tired from the trip! But when we were there we were biking, fishing, went to zoo, dolphinarium, walking, swimming....
I really love Holland and i really miss the people and the place...

In the very end of the summer our family got a new member named Zelda! We had wanted a dog for a long time and we thought that now when i had distant-school we thought that it was a good time to get one, when we both were home. So we looked over the internet and we found the black adorable puppies! She is now alsmost 6 months old and she is full of energy!

In november we celebrated my dads birthday, Jeroens birthday and we celebrated Anders and Malins daughter Nova who came into the world!

Now in december, the last month of the year and also my favorite, we have been preparing lots for christmas... Buying presents, baking, cooking and all!
Bianca has been lucia and a little mini-santa! Our big girl!
Its christmaseve on monday and we are going to celebrate it with my sister and her family, Peter and Christine and my aunt and cousin. Anders and Malin will be with her family!

Well, lots has happend during my 2012!
I am so happy with my life!

onsdag 5 december 2012


Some people are just so false...
They say one thing to you but in reality they suddenly mean something different.
I feel so sorry for them. They try to treat you well but you soon see through the false picture.
I wonder how people like that can live with themselves, dont they see it themselves? Or are they just so busy by acting that they dont want to care?

Oh well, at least i am happy with my life and what i have. A lovely family and friends!
Friends comes and goes, but i have some friends i know i will have my whole life!
And i have the best man ever by my side through life!
And my wonderful daughter that i will love for all eternity!
Speaking about her, her flu is not getting better and i even think she has a fever now, she was very warm in the afternoon... :(

No phones today either :( It said on the internet that they we are the mail office 2 days ago but still they are not here :( I dont know if the mailman lost his way in all the snow or if it just takes time.. We want our phones!!! :)
Its like waiting for Santa on Christmas eve...!!
We are also waiting for Anders, Malin and Nova, who said they were coming over this afternoon, so we will see if they show up!

söndag 2 december 2012

1 advent

I dont know what "advent" is in english...
But we are "celebrating" this day with a big cleaning of our home. Vaccum cleaning, mopping the floor, cleaning the bathroom and the windows, putting some christmas stuff up...
And its cold today! -16!
It feels so good to have a clean home! Its not often we do this big cleaning! We should more often though ;)
It feels kind of unreal that its already december! Its my favorite month of the year! All the preparations for christmas, and the real winter!
But at the same time, december goes faster then any other month. Its just 3 weeks until christmas and almost 4 weeks until new year... And then its new year and a new chapter in our lifes.
In february next year Bianca will start daycare! And i will go back to study full time! Looking forward to be almost done... I can finally see a end in the very long tunnel!
I only have 3 terms left! Wohoo! Then i hopefully never have to go back to school again!

Had my friend Lenita over today for some photoshoots and to let the dogs play some! The dogs really like the snow! Zelda goes crazy!
But it sucks that Bianca is starting to have a cold AGAIN! Her noose is dripping again and her coughing is starting again when she sleeps... Seems that she cant stay healthy for many days :(
We were going to town with my sister this afternoon, but since Biancas cold is getting worse, we think its better to stay home since its so cold.

Today we are going to open our presents from Holland! I´m so excited!
Curious as always ;)
And its fun for Bianca to open presents, although she thinks the paper is most fun ;)
Here is a picture of our mini-santa!
Cutest thing ever!