onsdag 21 november 2012

Another niece

Today my little brother and his lovely girlfriend had a daughter!
She is so cute, but what i know, she has no name yet.
That also means that Bianca is not the youngest member of the family anymore!
She is a big girl now! And she now already has 6 cousins, and one on the way still...
I am so happy for Anders and Malin, and we will see when we will visit. It doesnt feel right to visit them at the hospital, she probably will go home in a few days. And i know how i felt the days after we came home, i was totally finishes... Didnt have any energy at all, and there is everything new!
So i dont really wanna visit until they invite us in, when they are ready.
My mum was going to visit this weekend, we will see if we will go with her.

When i think back on the time when Bianca was really tiny (like newborn) i mostly remember good things, sure i had a little struggle in the beginning, but i dont think i really understood how lucky we were, and what a calm and sweet baby we had, and still have.
I love my daughter so much, it hurts in my heart when i think about what i would do without her.
I am so greatful that we kept her, and i wouldnt change my life for anything in the world.
I have to mest wonderful man by my side, the best family and friends, and of course the best daughter in the world!
We have started to let Bianca sleep once every day now instead of two, since she was awake alot in the nights before so we tried to keep her awake from 8 (thats when she usually wakes up) until 11, then we give her some lunch, and then we put her to sleep, and then she sleeps for 1-2,5 hours - ish and then we keep her awake until 19, then we give her the bottle, brush her teeth and put her to bed :)
And the past days she done good with that! She sleeps until at least 8 in the morning!

Sometimes i am thinking about having more kids (later on i know, we cant before i finish school, but LATER), but i am still not sure... I am saticfied with Bianca as it is, and i wonder how she would react to a sibling. I´m sure she would be happy, when that time comes, but some days im not even sure i want another one. Even though i think there will be at least one more ;)

Now Jeroen is going out with Zelda for her last walk for the day, and i am going to brush my teeth and go to bed! This has been a really nice day!

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